
Before Requesting A Refund

If you’re thinking of requesting a refund because the item has an issue or is not doing something you thought it would, please first look through the documentation and if that doesn’t help open a support ticket so we can look into your issue(s) (we will ask to do this when you request a refund anyway).

Why A Refund Will Not Be Given

Since you still have a copy of the item we can’t offer a refund in the following situations:

  • you don’t want it after you’ve downloaded it
  • the item did not meet your expectations
  • you simply change your mind
  • you bought an item by mistake
  • you do not have sufficient expertise to use the item

Why Refunds Are Given

Refunds can only be given in one or more of the following situations:

Item is “not as described”

An item is “not as described” if it is materially different from the item description or preview so you should expect the author to “tell it like it is” when it comes to the features and functionality of items. If it turns out the item is “not as described” you will be entitled to a refund.

Item doesn’t work the way it should

If an item doesn’t work the way it should and can’t easily be fixed you are entitled to a refund of the item. This includes situations where the item has a problem that would have stopped you from buying it if you’d known about the problem in the first place. If the item can be fixed, then the author is required to do so promptly by updating the item otherwise you are entitled to a refund of that item.

Item has a security vulnerability

If an item contains a security vulnerability and can’t easily be fixed you are entitled to a refund of the item. If the item can be fixed, then the author should do so promptly by updating the item. If the item contains a security vulnerability that is not patched in an appropriate timeframe then you are entitled to a refund of that item.

Item support is promised but not provided

If an author advertises their item as including item support and you are not provided that support in accordance with the item support policy you will be entitled to a refund of your purchased support.

Item support extension not used

If you purchase an item support extension and request a refund of that extension before your existing item support expires you are entitled to a refund of that item support extension.

Items that have not been downloaded

If you have not downloaded the item you will be eligible for refund.