
Version 4.54 (05-Oct-24)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v7.9
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer v2.19
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.12.4
  • Update: Updated Youzify to v3.5.4
  • Fix: Fixes position of dropdown select arrows
  • Fix: Fixes activity shortcode display when using Youzify Wall 3 column layout
  • Fix: Prevent empty “s” query_var from running in backend
  • Fix: Hide post meta on BuddyPress register page
  • Fix: Fixes redirect issue page if no login page selected
  • Fix: Fixes text label not showing on menu items with images
  • Fix: Theme’s bbPress CSS loaded when Youzify bbPress integration disabled

Version 4.53 (20-Jun-24)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark to v2.18
  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v7.7.2
  • Update: Updated Youzify to v3.5.0
  • Update: Added new hooks: “ghostpool_global_wrapper_begin”, “ghostpool_global_wrapper_begin”, “ghostpool_site_wrapper_begin”, “ghostpool_site_wrapper_end”, “ghostpool_page_wrapper_begin”, “ghostpool_page_wrapper_begin”, “ghostpool_header_after”
  • Update: Frontend restrictions was not working when the front page was the same as the redirecte page
  • Update: Added filter “ghostpool_disable_new_user_notification” to disable the theme’s new account email
  • Update: Added filter “ghostpool_wpb_column” filter
  • Fix: Issues with widgets in Youzify when BP Classic activated

Version 4.52.1 (09-Apr-24)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark to v2.17.1
  • Fix: BuddyPress Members and Groups pagination were no longer working

Version 4.52 (08-Apr-24)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark to v2.17
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.18.1
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.10.1
  • Update: When Youzify is activated the theme now uses Youzify’s Activity shortcode (this means the theme’s Activity filter options will no longer work)
  • Update: Added ghostpool_before_login_form, ghostpool_before_register_form and ghostpool_before_lost_password_form actions to add content before forms
  • Tweak: Updated all references of http to https
  • Fix: The Image Gallery field would not work correctly when added images without a thumbnail
  • Fix: Deprecated htmlspecialchars() notice would appear when page setting text fields were empty
  • Fix: Youzify global notice was getting covered by theme’s header
  • Fix: Youzify load more button was not working

Version 4.51 (04-Mar-24)

  • Update: WPBakery Page Builder updated to v7.5
  • Update: Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder updated to v3.5.0.2
  • Update: Youzify updated to v3.49
  • Update: LayerSlider updated to v7.9.11
  • Tweak: Removed WPP widget from widget demo file
  • Tweak: FontAwesome 5 setting now enabled by default on new installations 
  • Fix: Responsive WPB device sizes were being duplicated upon theme activation
  • Fix: Responsive WPB plugin deprecated notices

Version 4.50 (13-Feb-24)

  • Update: WPBakery Page Builder updated to v7.4
  • Update: Youzify updated to v3.48
  • Update: Ultimate Reviewer Plugin updated to v2.18
  • Update: LayerSlider updated to v7.9.9
  • Update: General Settings panel added to on all post types by default
  • Tweak: Comment schema now uses https

Version 4.49 (01-Jan-24)

After updating to BuddyPress 12.0.0 your BuddyPress widgets will be removed from your sidebars. To readd them, install the Classic Widgets and BP Classic plugins and then readd the widgets from Appearance > Widgets.

  • Update: WPBakery Page Builder updated to v7.3
  • Update: Aardvark Plugin updated to v2.16
  • Update: Ultimate Reviewer Plugin updated to v2.17
  • Update: LayerSlider updated to v7.9.6
  • Update: BuddyPress 12.0.0 compatible
    (install BP Classic plugin to use BuddyPress widgets and BuddyPress Who’s Online element)
  • Fix: Fixed a number of PHP 8.2 deprecated notices
  • Fix: Invalid comment schema
  • Fix: bbPress login form would open login popup instead of logging in
  • Fix: Default logo images were not shown when resetting Theme Options

Version 4.48 (28-Nov-23)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v7.2
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.9.5
  • Fix: Animated gradient column was affecting the displaying of WPBakery Page Builder columns on smaller devices
  • Fix: Error messages were not showing on registration form

Version 4.47 (27-Oct-23)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v7.1
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.9.1
  • Update: Updated Youzify to v3.3.9
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.16.1
  • Update: Improved appearance of variable products
  • Update: Added updated Landing Page LayerSlider export file
  • Fix: WooCommerce variable product information was not shown on cart page and cart dropdown

Version 4.46.1 (09-Aug-23)

  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPB to v3.4.5
  • Fix: WPBakery Page Builder frontend editor was not working with Responsive for WPB settings

Version 4.46 (02-Aug-23)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.15
  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v7.0
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.7.11
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.16
  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPB to v3.4.4
  • Update: Updated Youzify to v3.3.8
  • Update: Can now add icon class and icon color via new options in Heading element
  • Fix: Display issues in Original and Hosting demos fixed
  • Fix: Inline style tags were added incorrectly in backend
  • Fix: Tool tip script not loading correctly in some cases
  • Fix: “Poup Window” typo in theme settings
  • Fix: style-rtl.css CSS issue

Version 4.45.2 (05-June-23)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v6.13.0
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.7.6
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.15.2
  • Tweak: Empty text fields supported code cleaned up

Version 4.45.1 (23-May-23)

  • Update: Updated to Ultimate Reviewer to 2.15.1
  • Fix: Fatal error generated in some instances on Metabox settings

Version 4.45 (21-May-23)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to 6.11.0
  • Update: Updated Youzify to 3.3.4
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to 7.7.5
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to 2.15
  • Fix: Display issues with WooCommerce account page navigation styling on smaller devices
  • Fix: Membership and Location BuddyPress profile tabs missing
  • Fix: Redundant wp_enqueue_script( ‘ghostpool-typography-field’ )
  • Fix: WordPress Spacing should say Word Spacing
  • Fix: Incorrect use of quotations around ‘AARDVARK_CORE_VERSION’ 
  • Fix: Styling issues with BuddyPress Member block widget
  • Fix: Could not leave text fields empty on Settings page

Version (04-Apr-23)

  • Fix: ghostpool_redux_metabox_options filter was not removed and ghostpool_metaboxes_settings filter was not working

Version 4.44.1 (03-Apr-23)

  • Update: ghostpool_redux_metabox_options filter has now been fully removed, please switch to ghostpool_metaboxes_settings filter
  • Update: Added filters to change text for BuddyPress Posts tab and sub tabs
  • Fix: Potential redirect loop issues on frontend login page

Version 4.44 (28-Mar-23)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.14
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.6.9
  • Update: Add option to link email, phone and mobile details in GP Contact Details widget
  • Update: Improvements to WP Events Manager plugin styling
  • Update: Added member type to BuddyPress profile header
  • Update: Easy Digital Downloads and WP Events Manager post types now display General Settings
  • Tweak: Hide persistant Responsive WPB plugin notice

Version 4.43 (27-Jan-23)

  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.6.8
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.14.2
  • Update: Updated Youzify to v3.3.3.1
  • Update: Minor bbPress styling improvements
  • Tweak: Plugins custom messages will now be displayed in login/registration forms
  • Fix: Footer text was not aligned to left on desktop devices

Version 4.42 (30-Oct-22)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder 6.10.0
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.5.3
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.14.1
  • Fix: Saving page from WPB frontend editor didn’t save Responsive Pro CSS
  • Fix: Masonry post items were slightly cut off on page load 
  • Fix: Load More button in Posts element was not loading audio player correctly
  • Fix: Self hosted videos were not loading correctly on initial page load
  • Fix: Load more button was not working when posts were offset
  • Fix: Sliding row background stopped sliding after saving page

Version 4.41 (30-Sep-22)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.13
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.14
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.5.0
  • Update: Updated Youzify to v3.3.3
  • Tweak: Removed option to import BuddyPress demo data
  • Fix: WordPress Popular Posts widget was not displaying posts
  • Fix: Display issues with media player when using Load More button
  • Fix: RTL display issues with slide in menu 
  • Fix: Lots of Youzify styling fixes
  • Fix: Comment author icon was not showing in some circumstances

Version 4.40 (30-Aug-22)

  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.13.1
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.3.0
  • Tweak: Font Variant renamed to Font Weight
  • Fix: WPB Carousel navigation styling issues
  • Fix: BuddyPress styling issues
  • Fix: rtMedia styling issues
  • Fix: Events Manager styling issues
  • Fix: WooCommerce styling issues
  • Fix: Customizer was not handling font family option correctly
  • Fix: Font Variant option not displaying options correctly
  • Fix: Gallery slider not showing on single posts/pages

Version 4.39.8 (20-Aug-22)

  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.13
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.2.5
  • Update: Updated Youzify to v3.3.2

Version 4.39.7 (08-Jul-22)

  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.12
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.2.4
  • Fix: Lessons were not working when Learn Mode was enabled in Sensei LMS plugin
  • Fix: Some BuddyPress font icons not working in some circumstances

Version 4.39.6 (23-May-22)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v6.9.0
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.11.7
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.2.1
  • Fix: Pages with bbPress shortcodes would be treated as bbPress page
  • Fix: Widget styling issues with new widgets interface

Version 4.39.5 (10-Apr-22)

  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.11.6
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.1.4
  • Tweak: Minor Sensei LMS styling improvements
  • Fix: Sensei LMS quizzes could not be submitted

Version 4.39.4 (25-Mar-22)

  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.11.5
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.1.3
  • Tweak: Only show delete post link if user has correct permissions
  • Fix: User did not appear logged in after using login form in some cases
  • Fix: BuddyPress activity count in Statistics element was not updated when posting/deleting entry
  • Fix: Widget styling issues with new block editor widget interface

Version 4.39.3 (07-Mar-22)

  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.11.4
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.1.1
  • Fix: Conflict with Contact Form 7 captcha
  • Fix: Sensei styling issues
  • Fix: Sensei PHP issues

Version 4.39.2 (06-Jan-22)

  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.11.3
  • Update: Updated Youzify to v3.3.0
  • Update: Updated WPBakery to v6.8.0
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v7.0.7
  • Update: Updated theme requirement to WordPress 4.9+
  • Fix: Really long excerpts showing in plugins displaying excerpts

Version 4.39.1 (15-Dec-21)

  • Fix: FontAwesome 5 icons not showing in BuddyPress profile menu
  • Fix: style-rtl.css file not updated
  • Fix: Yoast SEO filter causes fatal error on BuddyPress pages after plugin update

Version 4.39 (06-Dec-21)

  • Update: Ultimate Reviewer updated to v2.11.2
  • Update: LayerSlider updated to v7.0.5
  • Update: Courses Outline Gutenberg block now looks like original Sensei template
  • Fix: When FontAwesome 5 enabled some icons not loading
  • Fix: Sensei RTL CSS not updated

Version 4.38.2 (01-Nov-21)

  • Fix: Fixed potential XSS injection

Version 4.38.1 (28-Oct-21)

  • Update: Youzify updated to v3.2.6
  • Fix: All imported demo images URLs no longer load images from demo site
  • Fix: Issues with importing and display eLearn LayerSliders
  • Fix: Issues with Courses element columns
  • Fix: Youzify page titles too large on smaller devices

Version 4.38 (05-Oct-21)

  • Update: Youzify updated to v3.2.4
  • Update: Ultimate Reviewer updated to v2.11.1
  • Update: LayerSlider updated to v6.11.9
  • Update: Added filters to change to easily post submission messages
  • Tweak: Rows set to only show for logged out users now show in WPB frontend editor
  • Tweak: Can now use redirect options with Youzify membership system
  • Fix: Particle effects not working with Autoptimize
  • Fix: Incorrect carousel posts/images columns in view
  • Fix: Custom fonts added to typography dropdown not working
  • Fix: Pending message showing instead of approved submission post message
  • Fix: Assigning multiple post tags as user from submission form not working

Version 4.37 (15-Aug-21)

  • Update: Ultimate Reviewer updated to v2.11
  • Update: WPBakery Page Builder updated to v6.7.0
  • Update: Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder updated to v3.4.3
  • Update: Youzify updated to v3.1.8
  • Tweak: Added FontAwesome 5 support for menu icon classes option
  • Fix: Dropdown options in new block widgets interface not saving
  • Fix:  If plugin doesn’t exist demo import process fails
  • Fix: Social demo widgets import data missing
  • Fix: Post tags not working in Carousel Posts element
  • Fix: Gallery slider height did not adjust to individual image sizes in post loops

Version 4.36.1 (28-Jun-21)

  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.10.1
  • Fix: Font families showing in theme options again
  • Fix: Fixed conditional theme options PHP notices

Version 4.36 (24-Jun-21)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.10
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.10
  • Update: Updated Youzify to v3.1.6
  • Tweak: Removed Google Plus profile field
  • Fix: BuddyPress styling fixes
  • Fix: Dropdown post filters now working
  • Fix: Fixed Testimonial Slider, Carousel Posts and Carousel Images working again
  • Fix: Custom fonts no longer added to Google API URL
  • Fix: Fixed warning appearing in profile menu icon when Youzify popup login enabled

Version 4.35 (04-May-21)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.9.2
  • Update: Updated Youzify to v3.1.1
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.9
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.11.8
  • Update: Updated Responsive WPBakery Page Builder to v3.4.1
  • Update: Added functionality so plugins can change menu links
  • Update: Updated FlexSlider script
  • Fix: Minor jQuery fixes
  • Fix: Backend redirect option no longer conflicts with password protected pages
  • Fix: Fixed BuddyPress online indicator

Version 4.34 (10-Mar-21)

  • Update: Updated Youzify to v3.0.8
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.8.6
  • Fix: Fixed fatal error with Youzify membership system enabled
  • Fix: Minor RTL style fixes

Version 4.33 (08-Mar-21)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v4.33
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.11.6
  • Update: Updated Responsive WPBakery Page Builder to v3.3.8
  • Fix: Update all function and class names to fix issues with Youzify

Version 4.32 (08-Mar-21)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v6.6.0
  • Update: Updated Youzify (formerly Youzer) to v3.0.7
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.8.5
  • Fix: Device display menu option working again
  • Fix: Can now edit login page via Elementor page builder
  • Fix: Fixed issue with selecting different header layout on different theme option tabs
  • Fix: Fixed missing variables warnings on loop template files
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 4.31 (08-Feb-21)

  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder to v3.3.7
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.8.4
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.11.5
  • Tweak: Demo importer tweaks
  • Fix: Can now hide links based on device display on mobile slide in menu
  • Fix: Deactivated theme registration emails when BuddyPress activated

Version 4.30 (12-Jan-21)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v6.5
  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder to v3.3.5
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.8.2
  • Fix: Excerpt Length field now shown by default in Blog page template options
  • Fix: Numeric fields now saving 0 value e.g. except length
  • Fix: Fixed PHP errors from framework conditions
  • Fix: Slider navigation shown again if slider becomes larger than 120px upon resize

Version 4.29 (14-Dec-20)

  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder to v3.3.4
  • Update: Added option to disable theme’s Sensei styling and templates and use Sensei’s own templates
  • Fix: Fix compatibility issues with Sensei LMS update
  • Fix: Removed slider arrows on gallery sliders images if size is too small
  • Fix: Hide on Edit link on Pending/Approved page if editing disabled
  • Fix: Fixed boxed page layout width on Youzer pages on larger screens

Version 4.28 (19-Nov-20)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v6.4.2
  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder to v3.3.3
  • Update: Updated Youzer to v2.6.2
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.8
  • Tweak: Improved ghostpool_author_name function to link logged out author name to profiles if matches logged in username
  • Tweak: Added Elementor Pro template support to WooCommerce pages
  • Fix: Fixed issue where certain characters were removed when adding custom CSS code
  • Fix: Fixed issues with gallery slider image uploading
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 4.27.1 (29-Sep-20)

  • Fix: Fixed more Youzer boxed theme layout issues
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 4.27 (28-Sep-20)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v6.4.1
  • Update: Updated Youzer to v2.6.0
  • Fix: Fixed styling of Youzer pages when using Boxed theme layout
  • Fix: Fixed duplicate menu options

Version 4.26.2 (02-Sep-20)

  • Fix: Fixed issue with Youzer causing site not to work for logged out user

Version 4.26.1 (31-August-20)

  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.6.4
  • Tweak: Added import settings confirmation message on Theme Options page
  • Fix: Fixed redirect loop after importing some of the theme demos

Version 4.26 (28-August-20)

  • Update: Updated Youzer to v2.5.8
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.6.3
  • Tweak: Google web font families and variants now loaded from within theme to prevent them not showing
  • Tweak: Font subset option removed as most fonts support subsets without specification
  • Fix: Fixed E_PARSE error in ghostpool_get_taxonomies function
  • Fix: Fixed issue with login form not redirecting logged in user if no member homepage specified

Version 4.25 (26-August-20)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v6.3.0
  • Update: Updated Youzer to v2.5.7
  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.9
  • Fix: Added option to specify taxonomies when displaying posts to reduce number of post queries
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 4.24 (17-August-20)

  • Update: Updated Youzer to v2.5.6
  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder to v3.3.2.1
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.11.2
  • Fix: Fixed a number of WordPress 5.5 conflicts
  • Fix: Correct styling on registration page when Youzer membership system disabled
  • Fix: Fixed some styling issues

Version 4.23.1 (21-July-20)

  • Fix: Fixed theme version number
  • Fix: Fixed issue with new Sensei LMS function causing error in older Sensei plugin

Version 4.23 (17-July-20)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.8.3
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.6.1
  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder to 3.3.0
  • Update: Updated Youzer to v2.5.1
  • Update: Added ghostpool_logo_url filter for logo url
  • Tweak: Minor BuddyPress and bbPress mobile styling improvements
  • Fix: Fixed Youzer lightbox going behind header
  • Fix: Fixed PHP 7.4+ errors
  • Fix: Removed deprecated Sensei LMS function
  • Fix: Fixed incorrect video sizes when video resizing option enabled in some cases
  • Fix: Fixed issue with conditional theme options not being hidden until clicked again
  • Fix: Fixed issue with redirecting members homepage to profile, dashboard or author page
  • Fix: Fixed issue with redirect options having wrong default values causing redirect issues

Version 4.22 (05-June-20)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.8.2
  • Update: Updated Youzer to v2.5.0
  • Tweak: Improve appearance of bbPress pages on smaller devices
  • Fix: Fixed issues with hiding current post/page in Featured Box element
  • Fix: Fixed a number of PHP notices
  • Fix: Fixed redirect issue when PMPro BuddyPress Addon installed

Version 4.21 (22-May-20)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.8.1
  • Update: Updated Youzer to v2.4.9
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.5.4.1
  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder to v3.2.9
  • Tweak: Updated Paid Membership Pro function names to prevent conflicts
  • Tweak: Add function exists check for ghostpool_ajax_bp_element_members function
  • Tweak: Removed deprecated BuddyPress function
  • Fix: Fixed issue with multiple taxonomies not working 

Version 4.20 (13-May-20)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.8
  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v6.2
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.5.4
  • Fix: Both parent and child theme’s style-rtl.css now loaded if using child theme (update ghostpool_enqueue_child_styles function in child theme’s functions.php file)
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes
  • Fix: Other taxonomies (such as product categories) now supported in theme elements and templates
  • Fix: Reset password URL now uses frontend redirect page URL if present
  • Fix: Fixed incorrect text domain on Theme Setup page
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 4.19.1 (17-Apr-20)

  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.5.2
  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) to v3.2.7
  • Update: Updated Youzer to v2.4.8
  • Fix: Mobile slide in menu no longer shown beneath header
  • Fix: Framework fixes

Version 4.19 (03-Apr-20)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.7
  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) to v3.2.6
  • Update: Updated Youzer to 2.4.7
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.5.1
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.11.1
  • Update: Added option to change activity type for Statistics element
  • Update: Added HTML textarea validation option
  • Update: Added header and footer custom code options
  • Update: Added option to hide side menu on mobile devices
  • Tweak: Improved caching for Statistics element data
  • Tweak: Added wp_body_open tag to theme
  • Fix: Activity element working with Youzer (2.4.7 and above)
  • Fix: Fixed issue full width rows resizing when opening/closing side menu
  • Fix: Fixed Activity element errors when Youzer activated
  • Fix: Fixed Community demo homepage sidebar responsive display
  • Fix: Excerpt Length option now showing in Blog page template settings
  • Fix: Fixed issue with submitting posts in post submission form
  • Fix: Removed duplicate comment list ID
  • Fix: Mobile nav menu filter now working
  • Fix: Member and Group element avatars now cropped correctly
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes
  • Fix: Framework fixes

Version 4.18 (05-Mar-20)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.6.1
  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) to v3.2.5
  • Update: Can now display share buttons on pages post type
  • Update: Added advanced TinyMCE text editor option for post content text area in post submission form
  • Tweak: Fixed vc_set_as_theme filter so setting can be overwritten
  • Tweak: Added filter to change post types that show meta data in page title
  • Fix: Fixed login page redirect issue when no login page is specified
  • Fix: BuddyPress Groups and Members element masonry background and border options now working
  • Fix: Fixed implode error in BuddyPress Group and Members elements
  • Fix: GP Login/Register Form now disabled widget when Youzer membership active
  • Fix:  LayerSlider demo data not attempted to be imported if ZipArchive is not installed
  • Fix: Multiple tags or categories now displayed in Post Submission Form 2 element
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 4.17 (19-Feb-20)

  • Update: LayerSlider updated to v6.10.2
  • Tweak: Can now overwrite Elementor Pro function to load theme templates instead
  • Tweak: Added mb_substr support for Featured Box title character length
  • Fix: Fixed redirect loop issue when frontend redirection set to same page as member homepage
  • Fix: Sensei Certificates plugin now hidden on Theme Setup page if Sensei LMS  is disabled
  • Fix: Fixed undefined variable issue 
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 4.16.1 (13-Feb-20)

  • Fix: Fixed issue with page content not showing
  • Fix: ghostpool_profile_url filter now working

Version 4.16 (13-Feb-20)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.6
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.4.0.1
  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) to v3.2.4
  • Update: Add Elementor Pro theme builder support
  • Tweak: Menu links with # now open dropdown menu in mobile navigation
  • Tweak: Improved recommended and optional plugin information
  • Tweak: Header and footer separated into more template parts for easier editing via child theme
  • Fix: Fixed member and admin login redirects
  • Fix: Fixed post thumbnail link to post preview on approved/pending page
  • Fix: Users can longer edit other users submitted posts
  • Fix: Theme’s membership/login features now disabled when Youzer membership system is enabled
  • Fix: Fixed missing file in Aardvark Plugin when theme is deactivated
  • Fix: Site URL now included in lost password email
  • Fix: Fixed integer issue with mb_strlen function
  • Fix: Removed loop code from singular pages
  • Fix: Theme option values no longer translated

Version 4.15 (23-Jan-20)

  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) to v3.2.2
  • Update: Updated outdated WooCommerce template file
  • Tweak: Added new Youzer filters in preparation for new Youzer update
  • Fix: Profile and group BuddyPress cover images now dynamically updated

Version 4.14 (13-Jan-20)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v6.1
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.3
  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) to v3.2.1
  • Fix: Fixed issue with editing submitted post data not updating
  • Fix: Fixed issue with submitting post after logging in
  • Fix: Fixed Youzer login menu item URL
  • Fix: Reset password popup now working when frontend redirect set
  • Fix: now working on Youzer enabled Activity element

Version 4.13.1 (11-Dec-19)

  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.10.0
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v.2.2.1
  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) to v3.1.9
  • Fix: Fixed error when saving theme options page

Version 4.13 (05-Dec-19)

  • Tweak: Added ID class to menu items
  • Tweak: Added autocomplete to login/register form input fields
  • Tweak: Improvements to handling of ajax login form
  • Fix: Moved minimal product title above price again
  • Fix: Fixed issue with sidebar and layout on WooCommerce product pages
  • Fix: Fixed Google API loading web fonts URL when all fonts set to backup fonts
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 4.12 (25-Nov-19)

  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.2
  • Update: Updated Youzer to v2.3.9
  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) to v3.18
  • Update: Super Socializer login page options now control login popup form social login buttons
  • Update: Minor styling fixes

Version 4.11.1 (18-Nov-19)

  • Update: Updated Youzer to v2.3.6
  • Fix: Fixed typography issues when importing demo files
  • Fix: Minor styling fix

Version 4.11 (14-Nov-19)

  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) to v3.1.7
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.1
  • Tweak: Improvements to options framework – conditional option display
  • Tweak: Added Standard and Minimal header support to WooCommerce product pages
  • Fix: Better version checking for database updates
  • Fix: Added missing page settings on WooCommerce product pages
  • Fix: Added new Login page option for when frontend popup option is disabled
  • Fix: Reset password form now working when popup form is disabled
  • Fix: Fixed ghostpool_fontawesome_icons error when theme is disabled
  • Fix: Fixed issue with header profile avatars when BuddyPress is disabled
  • Fix: Fixed issue with login_url redirect

Version 4.10 (31-Oct-19)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.5.3
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v2.0
  • Fix: Fixed issue with masonry display when using load more button
  • Fix: Fixed display of post format content when using load more button
  • Fix: Theme’s popup login form disabled if using Youzer membership form to avoid conflicts
  • Fix: Fixed a number of login issues
  • Fix: Approved/pending posts page displaying again
  • Fix: Framework fixes

Version 4.9 (08-Oct-19)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.5.2
  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) plugin to v3.1.6
  • Update: Added separate post editing and post preview page dropdown options
  • Update: Added option to make links go to approved/pending page BuddyPress profile posts page
  • Tweak:  Add login link to reset password popup form
  • Fix: Lightbox now working with Masonry Media Grid element
  • Fix: Edit form no longer reset to default display after editing post
  • Fix: Added missing edit and delete options for approved posts in BuddyPress profile posts tab
  • Fix: Removed duplicate feature images on Courses archive page 
  • Fix: Editing posts from BuddyPress Profile tab now working
  • Fix: Settings framework fixes
  • Fix: Deprecated jQuery removed
  • Fix: Font Awesome 5 fixes
  • Fix: Fixed styling issues with automatic video resizing
  • Fix: Post Submission Form 2 textarea fields now support HTML tags on all servers
  • Fix: Disabling automatic video resizing no longer prevents video post format videos from showing
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 4.8 (16-Sep-19)

  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.9.2
  • Update: Updated Youzer to v2.3.4
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v1.6.2
  • Update: Add option to make footer stay at the bottom of the page if content doesn’t reach the bottom
  • Update: Theme styling now enabled on Activation page if Youzer membership system disabled
  • Update: Added separate login redirect options for admin and users
  • Fix: Fixed missing buttons in Sensei LMS
  • Fix: If Google web fonts API down, current font selection will not be removed when saving options
  • Fix: Fixed issue with login and lost password redirects when Youzer is not activated
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 4.7 (30-Aug-19)

  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.9.1
  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.5.1
  • Update: Added option to show all users posts in pending/approved post sections
  • Fix: Fixed compatibility issues with Woocommerce Paid Courses plugin
  • Fix: Can now disable WooCommerce shop page title, option was previously missing
  • Fix: Fixed issue with fixed header set to 0px when top header enabled
  • Fix: Theme database updates no longer run on new installations
  • Fix: Fixed issue where logo images were not added on new installations
  • Fix: Imported demo data logos now loaded from user’s own server again
  • Fix: Fix post submission list page url when submitting post from form
  • Fix: All drop down menu options now saving in Customizer again
  • Fix: Fixed BuddyPress registeration page styling when Youzer membership system is disabled
  • Fix: Login popup form no longer interferes with Youzer login page
  • Fix: If sidebar is hidden on PMPro restricted page other page settings are still loaded
  • Fix: Fixed variable mismatch error when logging into page after resetting password
  • Fix: Login redirect page working again

Version 4.6 (20-Aug-19)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v6.0.5
  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder to v3.1.4
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.9.0
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v1.6.1
  • Update: Added page loader styling options
  • Update: Added new shortcode Post Submission Form 2 (old version has been deprecated)
  • Update: Lost password process improved, user can now create new password instead of receiving second email
  • Update: Added option to set Profile Button logged in/out page link
  • Tweak: Default login, registration and lost password link now redirect to theme links
  • Tweak: Framework improvements
  • Tweak: Added filters to menu locations so they can easily be overridden from child theme
  • Tweak: Added function exists check to comment template function
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version (17-Jul-19)

  • Fix: Fixed issue with mobile navigation not functioning correctly

Version 4.5.1 (17-Jul-19)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v6.0.4
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v1.5.1
  • Update: Added option to enabled/disable video resizing
  • Update: Added option to enable FontAwesome 5
  • Tweak: Add individual page custom title and subtitle setting support for BuddyPress pages
  • Fix: Fix issues with header width if fixed at 0
  • Fix: Top header dropdown menus no longer hidden behind main header

Version 4.5 (12-Jul-19)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.4
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v1.5
  • Update: Youzer Plugin now bundled with theme
  • Update: Added new Youzer demo at
  • Update: Can now add/remove individual share icons on posts and add your own
  • Update: Added WhatsApp share icon on mobile devices
  • Update: Added BuddyPress Profile and Dashboard page options to “Login Redirect” and “Members Homepage” options
  • Update: Added border radius options to dropdown menus, buttons and field options
  • Update: Added background image options to header background options
  • Update: Added rgba support to color gradient option
  • Tweak: Sidebars now also registered in Aardvark Plugin so widgets should not be lost when updating/deactivating theme
  • Fix: Fixed issue with logo option fields not working when translating option text
  • Fix: iframes with hardcoded widths no longer resized
  • Fix: Copyright text supports HTML tags again
  • Fix: Fixed various gallery format issues
  • Fix: Theme option dropdown values now displaying selected value
  • Fix: BP Profile Search plugin fixes
  • Fix: Fixed duplicate call to the site due to empty background image field
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 4.4 (25-Jun-19)

  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v1.4.4
  • Fix: Fixed various JavaScript issues
  • Fix: Fix issue with unchecking all multi checkboxes checks all boxes again
  • Fix: BuddyPress mobile menu no longer disappears when scrolling
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 4.3 (18-Jun-19)

  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v1.4.3
  • Tweak: Sanitized theme framework data
  • Tweak: Rich snippets now loaded using JSON instead of meta tags
  • Fix: Fixed issue with footer images not showing
  • Fix: Fixed BPS form styling issues

Version 4.2 (13-Jun-19)

  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v1.4.2.1
  • Update: Added option to disable featured image fallback for title header image
  • Fix: Fixed issues with taxonomy framework
  • Fix: Fixed Youzer compatibility issues
  • Fix: Fixed issue with logos displaying image ID instead of URL

Version 4.1 (12-Jun-19)

  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder to v3.1.2
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v1.4.2
  • Update: Basic Elementor plugin compatibility
  • Fix: Video format videos displaying again
  • Fix: Title header and logo images now working again
  • Fix: Fixed RTL issues with mobile navigation
  • Fix: Numerous theme framework fixes


  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.8.4
  • Update: Updated WPBakery to v6.0.3
  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder to v3.1.1
  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer to v1.4
  • Update: Now compatible with the Sensei LMS plugin
  • Update: Redux theme options framework replaced with new built-in framework
  • Update: All options now available in live Customizer
  • Update: Can now assign default PMPro levels upon registration
  • Update: Updated BP Profile Search form template
  • Update: Can now add links to menu images
  • Tweak: Theme WPB elements now load in WPB tabs
  • Tweak: Unverified account message added to login popup window
  • Tweak: Post views now stored as integer instead of text string
  • Fix: Fixed issue with videos reloading within page
  • Fix: Fixed issue with video/audio/gallery thumbnails not showing in Popular Posts widgets
  • Fix: Content menus displaying thumbnails again
  • Fix: Events no longer recreated after being sent to trash
  • Fix : Fixed issue with pages displaying in category and tag pages
  • Fix: Fixed issue with Activity WPB element loading the same content on each page
  • Fix: Fixed activation page redirect with PMPro BP Lockdown plugin
  • Fix: % symbol now working in passwords in the theme’s login forms
  • Fix: Numerous styling fixes

Pre 3.0 Customers: The latest version of WPBakery Page Builder no longer works with Responsive Visual Composer v2.3.5.1. This means you need to deactivate and delete this plugin and install the new Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder plugin. Any responsive settings changed under the old “Responsive Design Options” tab will need to be reapplied under the new “Responsive PRO” tab.

Version 3.6 (12-Apr-19)

  • Update: Updated Responsive for WPBakery Page Builder v3.1 (remove Responsive Pro plugin)
  • Update: Aardvark Plugin updated to v2.2.3
  • Update: Ultimate Reviewer updated to v1.3.2
  • Update: Added support for Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha in login/register/lost password popup form
  • Update: Lightbox now displays alt image text as caption
  • Update: Added option to remove cover images on BuddyPress member/group pages
  • Update: Added filters to all theme emails so you can customize the email, subject, message and headers easily
  • Tweak: Improved compatibility  with captcha plugins in login/register/lost password popup form
  • Tweak: Logged in users are now redirect to login redirect page if trying to access login page
  • Tweak: Added mail headers to all emails sent out by theme (replaces WordPress with site name in email headers)
  • Fix: Fixed text domain for widget files in Aardvark Plugin
  • Fix: Page background and minimal page title typography now used in Gutenberg block editor
  • Fix: Edited posts set back to pending instead of draft
  • Fix: Added missing post URL link to edited posts email
  • Fix: Verifying text now removed from lost password and registration window
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 3.5 (28-Mar-19)

  • Update: Updated Ultimate Reviewer plugin to v1.3.1.1
  • Update: Added option to change table header border colour
  • Update: Added option to change bbPress sticky topic background colour
  • Update: Now fully compatible with Youzer plugin
  • Tweak: Split RTL CSS into separate files for each supported plugin
  • Tweak: Main style-rtl.css file now includes all CSS so original style.css does not need to be loaded
  • Fix: Fixed logo details in rich snippets
  • Fix: Fixed bbPress PHP errors
  • Fix: WooCommerce category settings working again
  • Fix: Fixed issue with mobile profile menu not opening
  • Fix: Events manager user capabilities now working correctly
  • Fix: Now check if PMPro functions already exist
  • Fix: Can now login if front page set to same page as frontend redirection page
  • Fix: Video page header backgrounds now muted and looped
  • Fix: Unchecking all checkboxes in a group now working
  • Fix: Redirect from backend login page to pop up login working again
  • Fix: Removed additional ajax requests being loaded in BuddyPress masonry member and group filtering
  • Fix: Videos loaded via ajax now resized correctly
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 3.4 (15-Mar-19)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.2.2
  • Tweak: Removed backend login url from BuddyPress activation page
  • Fix: Fixed issues with hidden menus showing on browser resize
  • Fix: BP Profile Search form now imported on initial demo import
  • Fix: Fixed WPBakery Page Builder error on post types with page builder disabled
  • Fix: Fixed BuddyPress activation page PHP warnings
  • Fix: Fixed issue with Featured Box element display when less than total amount of items shown
  • Fix: Demo importer theme options now importing again
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 3.3 (12-Mar-19)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.2.1
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.8.2
  • Update:  Theme now fully Gutenberg optimized
  • Update: Added gallery format upload options to Post Submission form
  • Fix: Fixed upload issues with Post Submission form
  • Fix:  Fix fatal error when Aardvark Plugin activated with another theme
  • Fix: BP XProfile Custom Field Types plugin no longer bundled with theme, installed from external source now
  • Fix: Fixed autoplay of video headers
  • Fix: Added missing Image Source issue to Blog page template
  • Fix: Cleaned up custom sidebar code
  • Fix: Removed transient query from Activity element as causing repeat content

Version 3.2 (05-Mar-19)

  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.8.1
  • Update: Added new Review Bold demo
  • Update: Added new Minimal page header option
  • Update: Add image source option to use image from custom field instead of featured image
  • Update: Added option to control header search bar position
  • Update: Added option to remove Posts profile tab
  • Update: Added wildcard support to Frontend Redirect URL Exclusion option
  • Update: Included Ultimate Reviewer plugin with theme
  • Fix: Fixed display of update cover image and avatar buttons
  • Fix: Fixed bbPress shortcode issues
  • Fix: Author info panel styling options now working
  • Fix: Up/down voting functionality working again 
  • Fix: Top header can be hidden on desktop only again
  • Fix: Fixed issue with installing BP xProfile Custom Field Types plugin
  • Fix: Fixed issues with creating and editing custom sidebars
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 3.1 (19-Feb-19)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v5.7
  • Update: Added new version of BP Xprofile Field Type plugin (delete old version before installing this verison)
  • Tweak: Minor styling improvements
  • Tweak: Moved Share icons and Post Navigation options to more prominent position
  • Fix: Fixed issue with redirection on BuddyPress registration and activation pages
  • Fix: Fixed bbPress shortcode styling issue
  • Fix: Settings on bbPress forum page working again
  • Fix: Framework fixes
  • Fix: Fixed issues with hidden menu items dropdown menu on tablets devices
  • Fix: Fixed issues with voting buttons

Version 3.0.1 (11-Feb-19)

  • Update: Updated Sensei Certificates plugin to v.1.1.1
  • Tweak: Sensei Certificates plugin hidden until Sensei plugin activated
  • Fix: Child theme can be correctly installed again
  • Fix: WPBakery Page Builder activation redirection disabled again


  • Update: Theme now requires WordPress 4.7 or above
  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v2.0
  • Update: Added mobile logo text typography option
  • Update: Added options to display specific groups/members by ID in BuddyPress Group/Member elements
  • Update: Added buttons to profile header to edit avatar and cover image
  • Update: Added new BuddyPress profile tab that shows user approved/pending posts
  • Update: Added support for Invisible Recaptcha plugin to login form
  • Update: All theme options now moved under new “Aardvark” menu
  • Update: Added post format fields to frontend post submission form
  • Update: Can now specify image dimensions instead of registering new image sizes
  • Update: Can now change size of post/page images
  • Update: Added demo pricing tables as preset page builder templates
  • Update: Added support for Super Socialize plugin to login form
  • Update: Added option to disable masonry loading on BuddyPress member/group pages
  • Update: Replaced many page functions with templates so they can be overwritten more easily *
  • Update: Metaboxes now work properly in Gutenberg editor
  • Update: Can now filter content by post tags in elements/blog template
  • Update: Improved demo importer performance and error checking
  • Update: Switched support from Responsive  for Visual Composer plugin to Responsive Pro **
  • Tweak: Moved widgets to Aardvark Plugin
  • Tweak: All theme files can be overwritten in child theme by adding them to child theme folder (retaining directory structure)
  • Tweak: Certain JavaScript and CSS files only loaded when needed
  • Fix: Fixed PHP error in BP Profile Form element
  • Fix: Fixed issue with needing to close media window multiple times
  • Fix: Minor styling fixed

1. Theme now requires WordPress 4.7 or above

2. Many functions and filters have been deprecated or removed. If you’ve modified some of the theme files via a child theme which include any of these functions and filters you will need to update these in your child theme files.

Here is a list of the main function and filter changes:

Functions Deprecated:

  • ghostpool_custom_init_variables()
  • ghostpool_loop_meta()
  • ghostpool_gallery_slider_loop_content()
  • ghostpool_video_loop_content()

Filters Deprecated:

  • ghostpool_custom_category_options –> ghostpool_taxonomies_settings
  • ghostpool_redux_metabox_options –> ghostpool_metabox_settings

3. The theme now uses a plugin called Responsive Pro to add responsive options to WPBakery Page Builder elements. This is an updated version of the Responsive for Visual Composer plugin. You can continue to use the old version, but if you import any demo data after this theme update, imported pages will not look correct without the new version of the plugin. You can active both plugins at the same time to avoid display issues and then over time update any pages changing the old responsive options to the new responsive options and finally deactivating the old plugin.

Version 2.7.1 (03-Jan-19)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v1.8.1
  • Fix: Pricing columns showing again when Paid Membership Pro activated
  • Fix: Fixed header no longer displayed on mobile devices when desktop option selected
  • Fix: Fixed header no longer flickers when scrolling bounces at bottom of page on mobile devices

Version 2.7 (21-Dec-18)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v1.8
  • Update: Added option to only fix the header when scrolling up
  • Update: Added option to change page title meta typography
  • Tweak: Theme now uses browser localStorage instead of PHP $_SESSIONS
  • Tweak: Inline CSS now loaded using wp_add_inline_style
  • Tweak: Cleaned up JavaScript files
  • Tweak: Removed closing ?> from PHP files to reduce chance of white space errors
  • Tweak: Renamed some files/folders for clarity
  • Fix: Fixed issue with some demo theme options not being imported correctly
  • Fix: Fixed issues with having to double click Profile menu links on mobile devices
  • Fix: PMPro membership level IDs now working in Pricing Column element
  • Fix: Google Captcha plugin working with login and register form again
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 2.6.1 (29-Nov-18)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v5.6
  • Fix: Fixed issue with PMP Register Form not retaining details on registration page
  • Fix: Google Captcha plugin working with login and register form again

Version (26-Nov-18)

  • Fix: Fixed issue with installing Aardvark Plugin update

Version 2.6 (23-Nov-18)

  • Update: Updated to Aardvark v1.7.1
  • Update: Added option to hide side menu on initial page load
  • Tweak: Improvements to login functions
  • Tweak:  Improvements to theme statistics page
  • Fix: Login/register widget now display again
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes
  • Fix: Background scrolling now moving in FireFox

Version 2.5 (29-Oct-18)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v5.5.5
  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v1.7
  • Update: Added notification counter to notification drop down menu tab
  • Tweak: Added filter to change post type in GP Recent Comments widget (ghostpool_recent_comments_widget_post_type)
  • Tweak: Added filter to disable async typography (ghostpool_async_typography)
  • Tweak: Updated wpml-config.xml file to include all relevant options
  • Fix: Fixed positioning of scroll to links
  • Fix: Fixed issues with Link page template
  • Fix: Scrolling background working in FireFox again
  • Fix: If main logo option is left empty no longer generates jQuery error
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 2.4 (29-Sep-18)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v5.5.4
  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v1.6.1
  • Update: Updated Redux to v3.6.12.1
  • Update: Now fully compatible with WPML
  • Update: Added option to hide sidebar on Paid Membership Pro restricted content posts/pages
  • Update: Added option to disable page header on posts, pages and categories
  • Fix: Localised missing text
  • Fix: No longer need to double click scroll to link on iPads
  • Fix: Disabled Paid Membership Pro redirects on WPBakery and Customizer frontend editors
  • Fix: Fixed plugins hiding individual page options box
  • Fix: BuddyPress member search showing results again
  • Fix: Fixed redirect loop when login page is set as the homepage
  • Fix: Fixed issue with BuddyPress activity element loading same content
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 2.3.1 (07-Sep-18)

  • Fix: Fixed issue with some theme styling options not being output on site correctly

Version 2.3 (05-Sep-18)

  • Update: Updated Redux to v3.6.11
  • Update: Updated Featherlight to v1.7.13
  • Update: Added support for Envato Market WordPress Plugin
  • Update: Added theme option to set weight of strong text
  • Update: Added theme options to change pre code background and text colour
  • Tweak: Added shortcode support to text menu links
  • Tweak: Replaced category page header background text field option with media uploader
  • Fix:Fix formatting of links in notification dropdown tab
  • Fix: Fixed PHP 7.2. notices
  • Fix: Fixed frontend page builder and Customize redirect issues
  • Fix: Fixed issues with current user being recognised upon login
  • Fix: New WooCommerce cropping options now work with theme
  • Fix: Fixed Network demo redirect loop
  • Fix: Fixed issue with invalid email breaking login form
  • Fix: Fixed link targets in menu links
  • Fix: Fixed issue with post button being hidden on groups when rtMedia activated
  • Fix: Added comment support for BuddyPress Docs plugin

Version 2.2 (01-Aug-18)

  • Update: Added new Dark demo
  • Update: Added options to disable header and footer on registration and activation pages
  • Tweak: Can now change profile, login, register and lost password URLs via filters
  • Tweak: Improvements to login/registration form
  • Fix: Added separate options for activation page
  • Fix: Secondary product hover image working again
  • Fix: Fixed PHP numerical errors
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 2.1 (29-June-18)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v1.6.0.1
  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v5.5.2
  • Update: Updated Redux to v3.6.9
  • Update: Added fixed header support to Header 7 (side navigation header)
  • Update: Added option to control number of pixels scrolled before fixed header is shown
  • Fix: Excluded registration and activation page from frontend redirect
  • Fix: Categories without posts now shown in post submission and filter category menus
  • Fix: Minor RTL styling fixes

Version 2.0 (18-June-18)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v1.6
  • Update: Added new Trial demo
  • Update: Added option to disable automatically hiding/moving primary navigation menu links
  • Update: Added privacy policy (GDPR) checkbox option to post submission form
  • Update: Added Paid Membership Pro Registration form element
  • Update: Added option to hide Row element depending on Paid Membership Pro membership level
  • Update: Show or hide Row element depending on whether user is logged in or out
  • Update: Added option to add Paid Membership Pro membership level details to Pricing Column
  • Update: Added trial price option to Pricing Column element
  • Update: Added options to control Testimonial element headline, text and name font size and line height
  • Update: Added option to disable copyright section
  • Tweak: Current post excluded from Showcase element/widget
  • Tweak: Theme JavaScript updated to meet new Envato standards
  • Fix: Audio player now displays on posts with featured image
  • Fix: Ajax filtering now excludes current post from Posts element/widget
  • Fix: Ajax filtering on taxonomy pages working again
  • Fix: Fixed enqueued Redux extensions URLs on multisite installations using subdirectories
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 1.10 (05-June-18)

  • Update: Added privacy policy (GDPR) checkbox option to theme’s registration form
  • Update: Added option to set page user is redirect to after login
  • Tweak: Add ghostpool_archives_title filter for Archives title
  • Fix: Sensei teacher login redirect no longer conflicts with ajax login
  • Fix: Fixed issues with logo display
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 1.9 (29-May-18)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v1.5.3
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.7.6
  • Update: Added new eLearn demo
  • Tweak: Improve page title conditional display
  • Fix: Fixed compatibility issues with BP Profile Search plugin
  • Fix: Fixed BuddyPress 3.0 fatal group and member forum errors
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 1.8 (22-May-18)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v1.5.2
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.7.5
  • Update: Updated BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Fields Type to v2.6.4
  • Update: BuddyPress 3.0.0 compatibility
  • Tweak: Registration page no longer restricted when locking down all BuddyPress content
  • Tweak: Added WPML support to theme emails
  • Tweak: Paid Membership Pro profile links now go to BuddyPress profile page
  • Tweak: Google Captcha is no longer enforced unless site and secret key entered
  • Fix: Fixed page layout display on WooCommerce attribute pages
  • Fix: Fixed page layout display on Sensei quiz pages
  • Fix: Page header settings now working on Sensei pages
  • Fix: WooCommerce featured product option working again
  • Fix: Fixed a number of jQuery conflict issues
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Version 1.7.1 (08-May-18)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v1.5.1
  • Tweak: Remember Me button unchecked by default
  • Fix: Fixed login/register form display options
  • Fix: Login form displaying in BP Profile Search element again
  • Fix: Over header content background colour can now be set transparent
  • Fix: Added filter for succesfull password reset redirect (ghostpool_reset_success_redirect)
  • Fix: Fixed button alignment in nav bottom header

Theme Files Changed/Added/Removed

  • style.css
  • functions.php
  • sensei.css
  • lib/framework/ghostpool-framework.php
  • lib/framework/theme-config.php
  • lib/framework/page-builder/login-register-form-options.php
  • lib/framework/theme-setup/welcome.php
  • lib/inc/login-functions.php
  • lib/inc/sensei-functions.php
  • lib/inc/custom-css.php
  • lib/plugins/
  • lib/sections/login/login-form.php

Version 1.7 (30-Apr-18)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v1.5
  • Update: Updated Theia Sticky Sidebar to v1.8.0
  • Update: Side menu sub menus now stay open if on one of those pages
  • Update: Added border below primary menu links option
  • Update: Added header styling options for header over content
  • Update: Added mobile and side menu navigation sub menu link color options
  • Update: Added table styling options
  • Update: New Login/Register Form page builder element options – choose default display and hide links
  • Update: Updated display on Aardvark setup page
  • Update: Login and Register menu link types now support custom links
  • Fix: Fixed issue with member and groups masonry display with ajax filtering
  • Fix: Correct date now showing in GP Recent Comments widget
  • Fix: Fixed image errors on Sensei course and lesson pages
  • Fix: Fixed duplicate nonce messages on login form
  • Fix: Search bar now showing in Headers 1, 2, 3 and 7
  • Fix: Correct left sidebar now shown on BuddyPress profile pages
  • Fix: Non video embed content now displaying correctly
  • Fix: Fixed issue with voting up/down on posts
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Theme Files Changed/Added/Removed

  • style.css
  • functions.php
  • lib/plugins/
  • lib/plugins/
  • lib/framework/theme-config.php
  • lib/framework/ghostpool-framework.php
  • lib/framework/page-builder/login-register-form-options.php
  • lib/framework/importer/import.php
  • lib/sections/header/logo-right-1.php
  • lib/sections/header/logo-left-1.php
  • lib/sections/header/nav-bottom-1.php
  • lib/sections/header/nav-bottom-2.php
  • lib/sections/header/nav-bottom-3.php
  • lib/sections/header/side-menu-right.php
  • lib/sections/login/login-form.php
  • lib/scripts/custom.js
  • lib/inc/login-functions.php
  • lib/inc/custom-css.php
  • lib/css/woocommerce.css
  • lib/css/bp.css
  • lib/widgets/recent-comments.php
  • lib/menus/custom-menu-walker.php
  • sensei/content-course.php
  • sensei/single-course/lessons.php

Version 1.6.2 (05-Apr-18)

  • Update: Can now change the header layout for individual pages
  • Fix: Demo imported events no longer recreated after sending to trash
  • Fix: Fixed bbPress PHP notices
  • Fix: Fixed a number jQuery issues
  • Fix: Added filter to manually change share icons
  • Fix: Fixed issue with login form when Google Captcha plugin not activated
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Theme Files Changed/Added/Removed

  • style.css
  • functions.php
  • lib/css/bp.css
  • lib/framework/theme-config.php
  • lib/framework/metaboxes-config.php
  • lib/framework/ghostpool-framework.php
  • lib/framework/images/default.jpg
  • lib/inc/init-variables.php
  • lib/inc/bbpress-functions.php
  • lib/inc/plugin-defaults.php
  • lib/plugins/
  • lib/scripts/custom.js
  • lib/sections/header/standard-header.php
  • lib/sections/header/side-menu-left.php

Version (30-Mar-18)

  • Fix: Fixed issue with mobile menu not working
  • Fix: BuddyPress mobile tabs navigation no longer duplicated

Theme Files Changed/Added/Removed

  • style.css
  • lib/framework/ghostpool-framework.php
  • lib/scripts/custom.js

Version (26-Mar-18)

  • Fix: Fixed issue with jQuery functions not working on certain servers

Theme Files Changed/Added/Removed

  • style.css
  • rtl.css
  • lib/framework/ghostpool-framework.php
  • lib/scripts/jquery.filters.js
  • lib/scripts/custom.js

Version 1.6.1 (26-Mar-18)

  • Update: Added styling support for BuddyPress Global search plugin
  • Update: Added sub sub forums to bbPress forum homepage display
  • Fix: Google captcha is now reset when invalid username or password entered
  • Fix: Cover profile and group images now hidden when options disabled
  • Fix: jQuery functions working again with ajax filtering/pagination

Theme Files Changed/Added/Removed

  • style.css
  • functions.php
  • lib/css/bbpress.css
  • lib/css/bp.css
  • lib/framework/ghostpool-framework.php
  • lib/inc/bbpress-functions.php
  • lib/inc/login-functions.php
  • lib/inc/page-header.php
  • lib/scripts/custom.js

Version 1.6 (19-Mar-18)

  • Update: Added option to control products per row on WooCommerce product pages
  • Update: Add option to add secondary product image on hover
  • Fix: Fixed issues with importing BP Profile Search fields multiple times
  • Fix: Passwords now being accepted on WordPress 4.8.3 and below
  • Fix: Sensei courses now showing correct details with BadgeOS plugin
  • Fix: Mobile navigation link colours now working
  • Fix: BuddyPress element design options now working
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Theme Files Changed/Added/Removed

  • style.css
  • functions.php
  • rtl.css
  • languages/aardvark.pot
  • lib/css/woocommerce.css
  • lib/css/bp.css
  • lib/framework/ghostpool-framework.php
  • lib/framework/theme-config.php
  • lib/framework/importer/import.php
  • lib/framework/page-builder/page-builder-functions.php
  • lib/inc/woocommerce-functions.php
  • lib/inc/login-functions.php
  • lib/scripts/custom.js
  • lib/sections/sensei/course-details.php

Version 1.5.1 (14-Mar-18)

  • Fix: rtMedia upload button now working in Safari on mobile devices
  • Fix: Fixed page layout issues on WooCommerce pages
  • Fix: Popup login form now working on frontend redirect page
  • Fix: Fixed issues with not being able to import BuddyPress data after not activating plugin initially

Theme Files Changed/Added/Removed

  • style.css
  • functions.php
  • footer.php
  • languages/aardvark.pot
  • ghostpool-framework.php
  • lib/inc/post-submission-functions.php
  • lib/inc/woocommerce-functions.php
  • lib/framework/importer/assets/importer.css
  • lib/framework/importer/import.php

Version 1.5 (12-Mar-18)

  • Update: Updated WPBakery Page Builder to v5.4.7
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.7.1
  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v1.4.1
  • Update: Added option to exclude pages from frontend redirect
  • Fix: Fixed sidebar width on mobile devices
  • Fix: Percentage character now working in frontend password field
  • Fix: Scroll to link menu type option now saving
  • Fix: Fixed masonry displays when using side menu
  • Fix: Mobile scrolling logo no longer displaying all the time
  • Fix: Fixed PHP warning

Theme Files Changed/Added/Removed

  • style.css
  • functions.php
  • rtl.css
  • lib/scripts/custom.js
  • lib/plugins/
  • lib/plugins/
  • lib/plugins/
  • lib/menus/menu-item-custom-fields.php
  • lib/framework/theme-config.php
  • lib/framework/importer/import.php
  • lib/framework/importer/demo-files/social/
  • lib/framework/ghostpool-framework.php
  • lib/inc/login-functions.php
  • lib/sections/header/logo.php

Version 1.4 (21-Feb-18)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v1.4
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.7.0
  • Update: Added Network demo
  • Update: Added Social demo
  • Update: Added full support for Events Manager plugin
  • Update: Added Events List and Events Calendar elements
  • Update: Added Login/Register Form element
  • Update: Added option to restrict frontend and backend and redirect non logged users to specific page (e.g. login page)
  • Tweak: Custom css now loaded after style settings CSS
  • Fix: Sensei settings now saving on individual lesson pages
  • Fix: Fixed profile links on BuddyPress Members page
  • Fix: Multiple tags in the post submission form now being saved separately
  • Fix: Fixed course price output
  • Fix: Fixed content menu ajax display
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Theme Files Changed/Added/Removed

  • style.css
  • functions.php
  • footer.php
  • rtl.css
  • comments.php
  • header.php
  • languages/aardvark.pot
  • buddypress/members/members-loop.php
  • lib/plugins/
  • lib/plugins/
  • lib/framework/theme-config.php
  • lib/framework/ghostpool-framework.php
  • lib/framework/page-builder/page-builder-functions.php
  • lib/framework/page-builder/bp-options.php
  • lib/framework/page-builder/events-calendar-options.php New
  • lib/framework/page-builder/events-options.php New
  • lib/framework/page-builder/login-register-form-options.php New
  • lib/framework/page-builder/assets/page-builder.js New
  • lib/framework/page-builder/assets/shortcode-style.css Removed
  • lib/framework/importer/import.php
  • lib/framework/importer/demo-files/
  • lib/framework/importer/images/demo-importer-network.jpg New
  • lib/framework/importer/images/demo-importer-social.jpg New
  • lib/framework/css/redux-theme-options.css
  • lib/framework/css/general-admin.css
  • lib/sections/header/header-buttons.php
  • lib/sections/sensei/course-details.php
  • lib/inc/plugin-defaults.php
  • lib/inc/custom-css.php
  • lib/inc/post-edit-functions.php
  • lib/inc/post-submission-functions.php
  • lib/inc/login-functions.php
  • lib/inc/membership-functions.php
  • lib/inc/filter-functions.php
  • lib/inc/loop-functions.php
  • lib/inc/init-variables.php
  • lib/scripts/custom.js
  • lib/scripts/jquery.filters.js
  • lib/css/bp.css
  • lib/widgets/login-register-form.php
  • lib/menus/content-menus.php

Version 1.3 (16-Feb-18)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v1.3
  • Update: Added new “Side Menu” header layout (new demo utilising this coming soon)
  • Update: Added new styling options to control theme widths, padding and more background colours
  • Update: Added list format for Statistics element
  • Update: Added masonry support option for Row element
  • Tweak: Added styling for other social login buttons
  • Fix: Fixed page header height on homepage
  • Fix: Fixed BuddyPress navigation button on mobile devices from duplicating
  • Fix: Fixed issue archive/forum page returning incorrect content
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Theme Files Changed/Added/Removed

  • style.css
  • rtl.css
  • functions.php
  • homepage-template.php
  • single.php
  • search.php
  • page.php
  • index.php
  • buddypress.php
  • blog-template.php
  • bbpress.php
  • author.php
  • attachment.php
  • 404.php
  • header.php
  • languages/aardvark.pot
  • lib/css/bp.css
  • lib/css/bbpress.css
  • lib/framework/ghostpool-framework.php
  • lib/framework/theme-config.php
  • lib/framework/page-builder/statistics-options.php
  • lib/framework/page-builder/bp-options.php
  • lib/framework/page-builder/page-builder-custom-options.php
  • lib/framework/images/side-menu.jpg
  • lib/framework/importer/import.php
  • lib/plugins/
  • lib/scripts/custom.js
  • lib/sections/header/side-menu-left.php New
  • lib/sections/header/side-menu-right.php New
  • lib/sections/header/standard-header.php

Version 1.2 (13-Feb-18)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v1.2
  • Update: Added social media buttons to BuddyPress profile headers
  • Update: Added support for frontend BuddyPress profile fields in profile header and author info box (see help file)
  • Update: Can now import BuddyPress data from theme demo importer
  • Update: Added “My Groups” display in BuddyPress Groups element
  • Update: Added filters to BuddyPress Groups and Members elements (excluding Masonry format)
  • Update: Added List format to BuddyPress Groups and Members element
  • Update: Added option to change Activity stream text and link colors
  • Tweak: Added support for loading script files in JS Code box
  • Fix: Included “BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Fields Type” plugin with theme to prevent upload issues
  • Fix: Fixed issue with logo not displaying under certain conditions
  • Fix: Fixed issue with scroll to links without hashtags
  • Fix: Fixed featured image cropping on single posts and pages

Theme Files Changed/Added/Removed

  • style.css
  • functions.php
  • languages/aardvark.pot
  • lib/css/bp.css
  • lib/framework/ghostpool-framework.php
  • lib/framework/theme-config.php
  • lib/framework/importer/import.php
  • lib/framework/importer/demo-files/
  • lib/framework/page-builder/bp-options.php
  • lib/framework/theme-setup/init.php
  • lib/framework/custom-sidebars/custom-sidebars.php
  • lib/framework/inc/filter-functions.php
  • lib/framework/inc/page-header.php
  • lib/framework/scripts/custom.js
  • lib/framework/scripts/
  • lib/framework/scripts/jquery.filters.js
  • lib/framework/sections/post/author-info.php
  • lib/framework/sections/post/post-content.php
  • lib/framework/sections/page/page-content.php
  • lib/framework/sections/post-submission/post-preview.php
  • lib/framework/plugins/
  • lib/framework/plugins/ New
  • lib/framework/plugins/ Renamed
  • buddypress/members/single/member-header.php

Version 1.1 (01-Feb-18)

  • Update: Updated Aardvark Plugin to v1.1
  • Update: Updated LayerSlider to v6.6.8
  • Update: Added full RTL support
  • Update: Added video format support to Featured Boxes element
  • Fix: Scrolling logo now displaying
  • Fix: Fixed duplicate Activity feed content when clicking Load More button
  • Fix: Fixed issues with editing/deleting custom sidebars
  • Fix: BuddyPress masonry member/group now displaying correctly when searching and using pagination
  • Fix: Fixed a number of demo importer issues
  • Fix: Fixed a number of issues in post submission form
  • Fix: Minor styling fixes

Theme Files Changed/Added/Removed

  • style.css
  • functions.php
  • rtl.css New
  • languages/aardvark.pot
  • lib/css/woocommerce.css
  • lib/css/bp.css
  • lib/framework/theme-config.php
  • lib/framework/ghostpool-framework.php
  • lib/framework/importer/import.php
  • lib/framework/importer/demo-files/
  • lib/framework/page-builder/page-builder-functions.php
  • lib/framework/page-builder/featured-box-options.php
  • lib/framework/theme-setup/welcome.php
  • lib/framework/custom-sidebars/edit.php
  • lib/images/dropdown-rtl.png New
  • lib/inc/page-titles.php
  • lib/inc/post-edit-functions.php
  • lib/inc/post-submission-functions.php
  • lib/inc/buddypress-functions.php
  • lib/menus/custom-menu-walker.php
  • lib/plugins/
  • lib/plugins/
  • lib/scripts/
  • lib/scripts/custom.js
  • lib/sections/header/logo.php
  • lib/sections/post/related-items.php
  • lib/sections/featured-box/featured-box-item.php
  • lib/sections/post-submission/post-list.php
  • buddypress/members/bps-form-sample-2.php